Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has contained a fire inside a factory on Racecourse Road in Rutherford overnight.

A wax melting machine inside the large industrial factory ignited the fire. Photo source: FRNSW

Fire crews were confronted with smoke issuing from the building after a wax melting machine inside the large industrial factory caught fire just after midnight.

Firefighters’ accessed the external hydrant system allowing for the blaze to be contained and extinguished in under three hours.

Fifteen workers had evacuated the building prior to fire crews’ arrival and there were no reported injuries.

Acting Superintendent Cameron Wheatley from Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) said this is a timely reminder that calling Triple Zero (000) for a fire emergency can be the difference between life and death, or a building or other property being saved or destroyed.

Maia O’Connor