We are NovoNews, a Newcastle based news platform that focuses on news and stories within the community. We cover stories on culture, art, sport, health, society, events, education and individual stories of the Novocastrian people. We welcome contributions, shoutouts and collaborations from other aspiring writers, journalists and creatives.

We are a locally run community news platform writing stories that matter for the people who matter, locals. We pride ourselves on non sensationalised community news with a focus on quality articles and fresh angles.  National news will only be covered when it directly affects the community’s people and the surrounding areas.

We engage in written, video, audio, and visual news reporting and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. 

NovoNews will cover stories within the Newcastle City area as well as surrounding suburbs. To qualify for publication at NovoNews, articles must have specific relevance to the suburbs covered. Any activities, events, issues, and stories involving locals from these areas, and of interest and importance to the readers of those areas will be covered.

In this way, readers remain fully interested and engaged with the editorial and are therefore more inclined to read the entire publication and respond better to any advertising.

NovoNews consists of a digital publication and a monthly paper edition that has significant potential for advertising and community collaboration.

Public contributions are welcome and are preferred in email form, ideally with any relevant photographs attached. Contributions for opinion pieces must include the contributor’s name, address, and phone numbers. This is not for publication, but name and suburb will be published, and anonymous contributions will not be included.

NovoNews is not associated with any political party, agency government body or lobby group. We are truly independent publishers and have no agenda other than community interest.